Monday 21 April 2014

Cross Equals Love

Easter is the time of year we remember, how much God passionately loves us.  He sent his son Jesus to live and walk among us, a sin free man, a blemish free sacrifice, to die a painful death taking on all our sin, so we can have the opportunity to be restored in a relationship with God.  Through Jesus, our sins have already been paid, we are forgiven.  Isn't it amazing to know someone loved you so much, that he would die for you, that you may live.  You are loved, beyond anything that you could even imagine.

If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  Romans 10:9  

Thursday 3 April 2014


It's been a busy week with limited sleep and coffee, which is kind of a staple in my life.  I took my Mum to emergency on Saturday night after a 7 hour shift at work, I didn't get to sleep until 9am the next morning (when I slept for 3 hours).  Some people might be like I have 3 hours sleep a night, not me!  I survive on a minimum of 8 hours.  It has been a busy week with Mum in and out of surgery and hospital and appointments.  She is also on rest which means there is lots to be done at home.  We have had amazing support from her Church with meals, cleaning and transport but there is still the extra little things that need to be done.  It is coming up to midway in the semester and all the assignments are due in the next week.  Plus work, you know, to make money just to live and pay the mortgage, just minor things like that.  So its been a busy week, emotionally, mentally and physically draining, late nights and lots of coffee!